witness nature in all its glory at mount rainier national park
Far from the hustle and bustle of the city, away from the noise and commotion of everyday life the woods of Mount Rainier provide the ultimate solitude. Miles away from civilization and cell phone service, this park showcases the beauty of an untouched, natural world. This is a place where the fresh, crisp, untainted air along with the breathtaking views will clear your mind, body and soul. Whether you are an expert hiker seeking challenging trails or a family hoping to take the entire bunch for a picnic in the wilderness, this park is perfect for you.

I am not an outdoor enthusiast or even a seasoned hiker for that matter, but I thoroughly enjoyed my experience at the park. My friend and I started our hike to Green Lake at eight o? clock on a foggy Sunday morning and ended exhausted but refreshed at five o? clock in the evening with blisters on our feet but smiles on our faces.

One of the greatest aspects of Mount Rainier National Park is that not only do you get a great view of the woods on the main trail; there are also countless "detours" that take you to different sightseeing vantage points. One such point is Ranger Falls, a gorgeous cascading waterfall that is near Green Lake. This is a great place for photo opportunities where you can really relax and appreciate nature's beauty.

Mount Rainier National Park offers trails with levels from easy to moderate, all of which are unique in both scenery and skill level. The one I hiked was a moderate level trail. This trail has an elevation increase of 1,000 feet, but don't let that discourage you, because the destination is well worth the trek. As you finally make it to the top you will approach a clearing in the woods. The first thing you'll notice is the fresh smell of cedar, the next is the sight of a breathtaking glacier-made lake that is crystal-clear, you can see straight to the bottom. If one day simply isn't enough for you to enjoy all of Mount Rainier National Park there are plenty of areas available for camping and overnight stays!

From woods, to rivers, this park provides a tranquil environment where you'll truly feel at peace and relaxed all the while enjoying the unbelievably natural, green beauty that is the Pacific Northwest.

Kortney's Recap: Mount Rainier National Park is a place for everyone to enjoy, from outdoor gurus to nature novices. Anyone and everyone will appreciate the escape to fresh air and the serenity of the wilderness.

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